2022 Agricultural Automation Equipment Industry Status and Market Prospect Analysis

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Agricultural automation equipment is often transformed from traditional agricultural machinery equipment. Many production companies are not independent agricultural robot manufacturers but transformation of traditional agricultural machinery producers.

2022 Agricultural Automation Equipment Industry Status and Market Prospect Analysis

Agricultural automation equipment is often transformed from traditional agricultural machinery equipment. Many production companies are not independent agricultural robot manufacturers but transformation of traditional agricultural machinery producers. According to the Strategic Plan for Rural Revitalization, by 2035, my country will basically realize the modernization of agriculture and rural areas. With the development of modern agriculture, more and more agricultural cooperatives adopt smart agricultural production models, and automatic management technologies for environmental control, fertilization and irrigation are gradually becoming popular. So, what is the prospect and status quo of the domestic high-efficiency agricultural industry in the future?

2022 Agricultural Automation Equipment Industry Status and Market Prospect Analysis

Intelligent planting is to use various automated, intelligent, and remote-controlled production terminal equipment to achieve real-time quantitative "precise" management, improve agricultural production efficiency, and promote agricultural production from a human-centered production model that relies on isolated machinery to agricultural automation. The equipment industry is gradually turning to a production model centered on information and software, which will not only help promote the development of modern agriculture, but also help ensure the quality and safety of agricultural products.

Statistics show that the seed industry of my country's main grain crops is basically self-sufficient. The two major ration seeds of wheat and rice are 100% independent, the rate of improved crop varieties covers more than 96%, the independent rate of vegetable varieties is 87%, and the independent rate of core species of livestock and poultry is more than 75%.

By 2050, the world's population is expected to reach 9.7 billion, and the input cost of producing food to meet the needs of the global population will continue to increase. In order to feed the new population, humans have to increase food production by 70%. By 2030, the global water supply will be less than 40% of water demand. The ever-increasing costs of energy, labor and nutrition will severely reduce the profit margins of agriculture.

The total power of agricultural machinery in the country is close to 1 billion kilowatts, and the average power per mu is about 0.38 kilowatts. The main business income of enterprises in the agricultural automation equipment industry above designated size was 429.135 billion yuan, an increase of 6.15% over the previous year. Of the 2,429 agricultural machinery enterprises above designated size in the agricultural automation equipment industry, 217 suffered losses. According to the "Guiding Opinions of the State Council on Accelerating the Transformation and Upgrading of Agricultural Mechanization and Agricultural Machinery Equipment Industry" issued by the State Council, by 2025, the total power of agricultural machinery in the country will reach about 1.1 billion kilowatts.

Utilization rate of agricultural automation equipment industry

Since the "13th Five-Year Plan", my country's agricultural mechanization has made great progress, forming a good trend of transformation and upgrading to a comprehensive, high-quality and efficient transformation. The total power of agricultural machinery in the country reached 1.056 billion kilowatts, an increase of 17% over the end of the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan". The comprehensive mechanization rate of crop cultivation and harvesting reached 71.25%, which was 7.4 percentage points higher than that at the end of the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" period.

The agricultural automation equipment industry has brought new opportunities for development. It is necessary to further promote the structural reform of the supply side of agricultural mechanization, focus on making up for shortcomings, strengths and weaknesses, and promote coordination. Industry innovation and development.

Prospects for the future of the agricultural automation equipment industry

According to the "14th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China and the 2035 Long-term Goal Outline", it is proposed to strengthen the research and development and application of large and medium-sized, intelligent, and compound agricultural machinery, and the comprehensive mechanization rate of crop cultivation and harvesting will be increased to 75%. . It can be seen that under the impetus of policies, the products of large and medium-sized, intelligent, and compound agricultural automation equipment industries will accelerate their development.

It is expected that the import and export business of my country's agricultural automation equipment industry will continue to maintain a steady growth trend, especially the export business. In fact, at the beginning of the new year, some enterprises, including Lovo and Nantong Flaiwei, have won a lot of export orders.

"2022-2026 China's Agricultural Automation Equipment Industry Competition Pattern and Development Trend Forecast Report" was written by Zhongyan Puhua Research Institute. This report analyzes the supply and demand situation of my country's industry, the development status of the high-efficiency agricultural industry, and the development and changes of sub-industries. It focuses on the analysis of the development status of the high-efficiency agricultural industry, how to face the development challenges of the industry, the development suggestions of the industry, the competitiveness of the industry, and the investment analysis and trend forecast of the industry, etc. The high-efficiency agriculture industry also synthesizes the overall development trends of the industry, and provides reference suggestions and specific solutions for the high-efficiency agriculture industry in terms of products.